Cosmetic Acupuncture Brisbane

Aesthetic Acupuncture

Facial Rejuvenation


Refresh your natural look

whilst improving your

internal health & vitality

Do you use Botox?

Worried about what Botox might actually be doing to your skin long term?

Are you looking for a Natural Alternative to Botox?

Would you like to Look and Feel Great?

What is Cosmetic Acupuncture?

Cosmetic Acupuncture also known as Facial Rejuvenation and Facial Acupuncture has gained worldwide popularity overseas in recent years with celebrities posting selfies during treatment and modern research science taking notice. It has taken a little longer for us Aussies to catch on, but we are getting there.

Why all the HYPE?      Whilst it may seem like a new fad, cosmetic acupuncture has been around for over 2000 years. It uses ancient knowledge of whole body healing, to improve your overall health and how it is expressed externally. Meaning not only will you look great, but you will also feel great.

Cosmetic Acupuncture is not just facial acupuncture, it encourages your own body to naturally enhance your skin. Facial rejuvenation acupuncture uses ultra fine acupuncture needles in the face and the body, treating both cause and signs of intrinsic and extrinsic aging. 

What is Aesthetic Acupuncture?

Aesthetic Acupuncture is an emerging field within cosmetic acupuncture that combines the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine with the the latest medical technology to create a synergy to suit your individual needs.

Rebecca has been trained by NY supermodels Acupuncturist Dr Travall Croom in the only group to be trained in Australia to do Aesthetic Acupuncture.

How does Cosmetic Acupuncture work?

Cosmetic Acupuncture increases circulation of blood and lymph to the face, restoring the flow of Qi and blood to the face whilst correcting internal imbalances.

Facial Acupuncture or needling creates micro traumas or wounds, this in turn stimulates fibroblasts that are responsible for the production of collagen and elastin. Increased circulation leads to more oxygenation and hydration of the skin.

Motor points are also used in the facial muscles to tighten and relax where needed, improving muscle tone and elasticity

Body points are done to address the constitutional deficiencies, bringing the you back into a state of balance, regulating hormones and decelerating the aging process from within.


    @ AcuEnhanced we then add the latest anti aging 

    technology to create our

    Signature Evolution Acupuncture LED Facial

    What can Cosmetic Acupuncture be used for?

    As Cosmetic Acupuncture is a holistic treatment, it can be used to treat ALL of you:

    •  Anti & Premature Aging
    • Firm the skin and reduce sagging
    • Help to eliminate fine wrinkles and soften deeper wrinkles
    • Tighten enlarged pores
    • Can even skin tone & pigmentation and brighten completion
    • Brightens the eyes, reducing eye bags, puffiness & darkness around eyes
    • Can be used for Bells palsy/ facial paralysis/ numbness, the closer sessions start to onset the better the results

    • Tri-geminal neuralgia pain
    • Alopecia/ Balding/ Thinning Hair/ Premature Graying
    • Dermatitis/ Psoriasis
    • Acne/ Scars/ Rosacea
    • Improves the appearance of scarring
    • Cold Sores/ Rashes
    • Decelerates the aging process from within
    • Special Occasion Enhancement
    • Improve general health & well being, Holistic rejuvenation

    Lets look at what is happening to your skin and the structures underneath,

    and of course what you can do about it with Cosmetic Acupncture.

    Frequenty asked questions

    Can I still have Cosmetic Acupuncture if I have BOTOX?

    Yes, you can have Cosmetic Acupuncture when you have BOTOX. As these treatments increases the flow of Qi and blood to the face we simple don’t needle where you have BOTOX as it may cause these areas to un-freeze quicker.

    What will the Cosmetic Acupuncture feel like?

    Most of the needles are not felt when they are inserted. Some needles sting for a moment when being inserted, this sensation does not last long. Most people report a feeling of tingling warmth and relaxation during their treatment, some even fall asleep.

    At Dharma Health we only use the best quality, advanced technology facial needles that are designed specially for facial acupuncture facials. Japanese made & designed to the highest standard, they have a silicone tip for ease and smooth insertion, allowing the skin molecules to be pushed apart without cutting or breaking the skin,  this ensures that even the most sensitive person will have minimal discomfort. No other needle on the market compares in quality or for patient comfort.

    Cosmetic acupuncture is a natural and relatively painless,  unlike other cosmetic procedures that can be expensive, extremely painful, have an extended recovery time and may have a end result that can look un-natural. With Cosmetic Acupncture there is absolutely NO down time, with results that last.

    How many treatments will I need?

    We all age at different rates, important factors are our internal and external environments. The skin renews itself every 28 days, after we reach the age of 25 this process beings to slow down, so by the time we are 60, it may take our skin 60 days to renew! To achieve long lasting results we recommend an initial course suited to your age, then maintenance treatments. Please refer to the Skin Review for your age catagory above.

    How long will my results last?
    • This is dependent on the results for your initial block of treatments and your lifestyle choices.
    • Based on the initial results a maintenance treatment is recommended once every 4 – 8 weeks.
    When should I start Cosmetic Acupuncture?

    NOW! The older you get the more collagen, elastin & hyaluronic acid you lose. Its much easier to maintain the stores, so the best time to start is now!  It’s never too late to start treatment.

    What can I do to prepare for my Cosmetic Acupuncture Facial?
    • Allow pleantly of time to get to your appointment, you will find your facial more relaxing if you are not stressed when you arrive.
    • Make sure you have had something to eat.
    • Avoid blood thinners at least 48-72hrs before your facial, eg Nurofen, Asprin, Fish oils, Vit E, Excessive alcohol, this reduces the risk of bruising.
    • Please come with a clean face with no make-up, if thats not possible we have cleansing wipes if you need them.
    Are there any side effects?

    Due to Cosmetic Acupuncture being a holistic therapy, not only do you start to notice changes to your external appearance, but you start to feel great on the inside too. As with any acupuncture treatment there is a small risk of slight bruising and the sight of the needle insertion, but will reduce as a normal bruise does.

    Cosmetic acupuncture is a natural and relatively painless,  unlike other cosmetic procedures that can be expensive, extremely painful, have an extended recovery time and may have a end result that can look un-natural. You have absolutely NO down time with Cosmetic Acupuncture and results that last.

    Can I claim my treatments on my Private Health?

    No, Unfortunately Cosmetic Acupuncture is not covered by Private Health.

    When can’t you have Cosmetic Acupuncture?

    If you have or are taking any of the following:*

    • Blood disorders e.g. Hemophilia, Anemia
    • Blood thinners e.g. Warfarin, Aspirin
    • Bruise very easily
    • Severe High Blood Pressure
    • Pregnancy
    • Dizziness or Vertigo
    • Severe Headaches or Migraines
    • Recent cosmetic surgery (must wait at least 3 weeks)

    *In these circumstances, regular acupuncture and herbal treatment may help to enable you to achive a condition that is acceptable to apply the cosmetic treatments

    What can I do at home to enhance my treatments?
    • Drink plenty of fresh water (Min 2L a day)
    • Eat lots of fresh veggies and fruit
    • Keep salt and unrefined sugars to a minimum
    • Consider supplements:

    – Collagen Peptides Grass Fed

    – Super B (one in the morning)

    – Vitamin C powder (3x day)

    – Omega 3 as directed (Fish / Krill / Flax seed oil / Chia seeds)

    • Don’t smoke
    • Keep alcohol consumption to a minimum
    • Protect your skin from the sun (Hat, Sunglasses, Sunscreen)
    • Get adequate sleep (7hrs min)
    • Sleep on your back
    • Use a Micro needle roller or Derma roller twice a week
    • Use Organic Rosehip oil regularly (if it suits your skin)
    • Topical or oral hyaluronic acid can be benificial for retaining skin hydration
    • Don’t use any product promising an “instant” lift

    Still have questions?

    Call Rebecca our highly trained Cosmetic Acupuncturist:

    0411 676 554


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